Transformative Resilience replays


Cultivate deep resilience

Stay healthy, happy and sane(ish)



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Do you want to thrive, even when things are shitty (technical term)? How about helping those you care about do the same?

Deep Resilience will equip you to do that, beyond shallow “tricks and tips”. This deeper approach will fundamentally impact your capacity to not just withstand, but grow from, adversity.

Through exploring new worldviews, and embodying new ways of being, you can become bullshitproof (again, Walsh© 🙂).

You’ll learn the top practical embodiment techniques to build resilience, drawn from the thousands that we’ve studied, AND embed them in a community of practice (this is key – it’s not just about getting the info).

You’ll also be encouraged to build your own radically resilient philosophy, drawing from the many I’ll offer – Traditional Buddhism, animism, kink, Stoicism, Nietzsche, etc. – to change the way you fundamentally approach life.

We will uproot your fragility, and build a new hardcore core (which may well be quite soft, paradoxically).