Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress
All sessions are recorded and will be uploaded to this course platform within 48 hours of them ending. The Zoom link to join live is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81165825897?pwd=ODNlR2lhdXhKMXl4ajdkYXlYZXpUUT09
Week 1:
- April 24 – Beginnings
Week 2:
- May 1 – Discovering your needs
Week 3:
- May 8 – Building blocks of boundaries
Week 4:
- May 15 – How to ask for what you want
- May 20 – BONUS People Unpleasing meditation
Week 5:
- May 22 – Taking up space
Week 6:
- May 29 – Reflect & heal
Week 7:
- June 5 – Boundaries in relationships
Week 8:
- June 12 – People un-pleasing